Saturday, February 26, 2011

Walkthrough Level 19 Electric Box

To return to the speech River Colonel Qaddafi; Reactions

Editorial Lucian magalie pons

Before writing an upcoming article on the evolution of the revolution of Tunisia, back on Gaddafi's speech, it seems important to monitor their progress to measure its climbing towards repression and communication techniques he uses to attempt to bring the people and especially Libyan youth to his regime.

Tuesday in his first public speech since the beginning of the insurgency, the Libyan colonel vowed to punish the protesters in the blood and called on young people to form committees for the defense.

The leaders political and media Western hitherto worried about the dreaded financial consequences and economic revolt Tunisian could inflict, while also evoking , but too soft, the defense of human rights to condemn the repression of Qaddafi, have felt as a salutary shock that have been out of their egocentricity interested, and immediately after the speech of the "Guide" they have raised their voices in calling for sanctions, of ; many reactions and cons Kadaif regime amounted as in France (see the very bottom of the article a press review) in the Western world, and as regards the reactions of Libyan personalities some were accompanied by resignations functions they assumed in the plan Libyan

Below I will mention only a few reactions significant enough so as not to burden the text:

On the evening of Tuesday Angela Merkel ruled "very frightening" the televised speech of Muammar Gaddafi and the Libyan authorities demanded "an end to violence against their own people," adding that in the Otherwise Germany "would consider sanctions."

In the day Tuesday, we could also fall after his speech defections within the regime of Libya, Libyan ambassadors to the United States, India, Bangladesh, Australia, Malaysia, and team Libyan diplomatic, urged the Libyan army to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi, a "tyrant," accusing it of "genocide."

According to AFP, a diplomat at the Libyan embassy in Morocco resigned in protest against "the extermination of everyday people," Libyan

The justice minister, Moustapha Abdul Jalil, and the Permanent Representative of Libya to the Arab League, Abdel Moneim al-Honi, was also cited Tuesday as having "dropped the plan."


Here very abstract and the chronological disorder, excerpts of interventions Colonel Gaddafi we could identify, in various newspaper articles and on the web:

Short and brief appearance in the night from Monday 21 to Tuesday, February 22
Taking a short speech by Colonel Qaddafi in Monday night to Tuesday. Muammar Gaddafi, made a brief appearance in "direct" on state television, he seems from his home in Bab Al Azizia in Tripoli.

He explained: "I see young people on the green square. This is just to prove that I am in Tripoli and not in Venezuela and deny televisions, these dogs, " Did he merely argued

And to meet the information provided Monday by the TV and international media, from which he left Libya for Venezuela.

On a red headband, state television scored again: "In a meeting directly with the satellite channel Al-Jamahiriya, the brother leader of the revolution has denied misleading chains ".

Tuesday, January 22: Speech river that could be called the "mechoui strength of Colonel Gaddafi "

In his speech spectacular river and very tough, televised live Gaddafi draped like an emperor in his old brown bathrobe and wearing a turban traditional secrecy that he of shaping said with a gesture worthy of the great tragedies of antiquity, it would in Libya as "leader of the revolution" and prefer " die as a martyr, " cons all reality, it has denied the use of force, " we never used force "did he said and called youth to form a panel of defense
Citing articles of the Penal Code Libyan Gaddafi doctrinally very aggressive demonstrators threatened the death penalty, he said that Opponents insurgents are "drug addicts", handled by the "bearded" who "want to emulate Tunisia and Egypt, and he said he does not want a "new emirate of bin Laden."

Recalling its glory historical facts against Americans, Israelis and neighboring countries he called the people to form "popular committees" and go to the streets to "restore order" .

It was recalled that is the Guide of the Libyan Revolution, he has "no power", it is "No President".

According to him the power being in the hands of the people ".... "... As promised by the Free Officers, it is his (the people) to say no to the insurgency. Otherwise, it will be "civil war", and "scorched earth policy."

"We have not used force, the force comes from the Libyan people. If we were to have to use force, we will do according to the constitution and international law. "

"Tomorrow they will cry, they will ask our forgiveness and we do not give them."

"It's a minority of terrorists who want to make a new emirate on the orders of bin Laden."

"I have not yet given orders to use force, because if it were the case, it is the policy of scorched earth."

"We are free and we are free to use excessive force "

" Tomorrow we'll have a new administration, a new people power true. For there to be a constitution, I do not mind. "

" I have no palaces, no money, I do not even have a future. I have dedicated my life to the revolution. "

" Ports and airports are off, life is paralyzed. There's more fuel, more phone that works. "

" Starting tonight and tomorrow, youth, all youth, not drug addicts, youth must be the Libyan popular committees wearing armbands protection committees. "

"We invite the officers to go free to ensure the safety of their tribe. They do not join the staff of America. "

" I invite you to go out into the street. It is you who must defend and protect the people's revolution. This security comes from what people power. "

" Tomorrow, I invite the youth to form committee to defend the people's revolution, in all towns and villages in Libya. "

"Tomorrow, they wear an armband, there are protection committees in defense of social values and are established by the holders of the Koran. They are among a million made up of imams who know the true Salafism. Salafism not murderers, the true Salafism that ensures the safety of women and of manners. "

" Women have been kidnapped by criminal groups. The population living a nightmare with these tanks, the helicopters, with these threats to our security. "

" Tomorrow we'll have a new administration, a new genuine popular power. For there to be a constitution, I have no objection. It is the popular authority. "

" I have no palaces, no money, I did not have a future. I have dedicated my life to the revolution. "

" I think Saif El Islam (son of Gaddafi) will deal with the ambassadors, to restore the truth. Many do not know the truth through the TV channels treacherous seeking to distort the truth. Libyan television will make its response to all these cons-truths. We'll answer them. "

"Ports and airports are off, life is paralyzed. There's more fuel, more phone that works. "

" One person managed to terrorize the city of Washington. He attacked the schools, he attacked a new school, he disappeared. It has crippled school life. One person has terrorized the entire life, and here we have a handful of youths who terrorized the city of Benghazi. "

" America has leveled Fallujah. She pounded the mosques in Fallujah, saying that Zarqawi, the terrorist, was there. The Americans have done, then what could we do that?

"Baghdad has been destroyed, whole families died. There are millions of people who died, bombed by U.S. aircraft "

" We are free and are free to use excessive force "

" When the Israelis bombed, they say they have the right to bomb Gaza

"You've seen the pictures? You want your country to become like Iraq and Somalia? The same Groups are here. You want to be like Fallujah [Iraq]? "

" Tomorrow will be security in the hands of police officers and army. "

" Wake up! Want Benghazi is a place of destruction without water or electricity? "

" And these bands can attack oil resources and that can take you back fifty years ago. We were pleased with the reconstruction of Benghazi and that your children will destroy it? "

" You want to be Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia? If it does not please you, show these young cons. "

" It's a minority of terrorists who want to make a new emirate on the orders of bin Laden. "

" You want a new settlement imposed by the bombs? "... ....

"We will find ourselves in a war between different tribes. That's what awaits Libya if you do not put an end immediately. "

"The aircraft flew over all the palaces. Why? Because Gaddafi was President of the Republic. It because Qaddafi has a history of struggle for liberation. "

" They are trying to copy what happened in Tunisia. "

'They encourage your children to go fight, and we will we entretuer of fact. "

" I urge the Libyan people to form new popular committees. "

" We have not used force, the force comes from the Libyan people. If we were to have to use force, we will do according to the constitution and international law. "

"Tomorrow, I invite you to go into the street to confront them."

The penal code in hand, "shall be punished with death any Libyan who had borne arms against Libya"

"Tomorrow they will cry, they will ask our forgiveness and we do not give them ".


Third intervention Thursday, February 24:

This time not appear on the screens, Qaddafi engaged in a speech by phone.

In his speech, broadcast on state television Jamahiriya, Libyan leader again argued that the protesters were taking drugs distributed by "foreign agents" for him this "are young fools, morons who seek to close the shops, to close roads.

Then he warned the Libyan people: "We handled our children. For me, those behind these manipulations are the real enemies ", calling city dwellers raised to hold these young people" addicted "." These are your children, you must prevent them from taking these pills, capsules these drugs. "

Accusing Al-Qaeda of being behind the uprising, Gaddafi said: "There are Salafis who prepare the ground for the arrival of Bin Laden." ... .. "These people have no real claims, their claims are those of bin Laden" ... ... ... .. "Why you follow the path of bin Laden?, He asked ... ... We have built in our country, we have launched infrastructure .... Why do you want these facilities to Bin Laden?"

Very satisfied on the idea a "manipulation", Colonel Qaddafi has tried to persuade his people that any changes were in the hands of all Libyans. "For us, power is in the hands of the people", he reaffirmed explaining: "All these applications (the protesters) can be solved thanks to oil. We can similarly raise wages. " The Libyan leader also considered political solutions: "If you want to transform cities in the governorates to form new governorates, it is possible, it's something we understand. ... ... ... ... Everything is possible, everything is in your hands. "

Finally Colonel Gaddafi has also stressed the nature of his moral authority by using a comparison with the original power of Queen of England: "I have no power to make laws or enforce the law. The Queen of England has no such authority. That is exactly my case," he said.


Friday 25 February : Fourth intervention of Colonel Gaddafi

A dramatic strategic : Playing on the element of surprise, the fox Muammar Gaddafi appears public television to speak to his supporters . This intervention was likely filmed on Green Square in Tripoli. On the television pictures, we see the Libyan leader harangue hundreds of supporters.

During the broadcast, we see a clock showing 6:55 p.m. local time (note: approximately 5:50 p.m. in France) which would tend to assume that was a direct response, according to AFP.

estimated at Gaddafi during his speech .... " if people do not like me I do not deserve to live."

He announced : "all arms dumps will be open, to arm the people,"
He has asked his supporters to "defend Libya," called them to take up arms to fight opponents ... ...

" We will fight and we can beat them," he said since the ramparts overlooking Green Square, where hundreds had gathered his supporters ... "the Libyan people loves Gaddafi," assured Libyan leader he addressed the crowd these three words " Dance, dance, sing" and to finish "the Guide" sent a kiss to the crowd .

According to commentators Gaddafi wanted to show he still had control in Tripoli.


Press review of reports on French reactions to the speech of Colonel Gaddafi River:

Wednesday, January 23 - Press review of national newspapers

As Tuesday, the overwhelming majority of national newspapers devoted their one to Libya and extremely violent speech Gaddafi, who has promised a crackdown bloodiest yet.
World see "French diplomacy pushed by the Arab revolt" and explains "how the Elysée and the Quai d'Orsay attempt to reformulate policy.
"The rabid" as Liberation . "In a speech hallucinations, Gaddafi has threatened the Libyans who demanded his departure a" butcher "," the newspaper said. "The murderous frenzy Gaddafi" worried "
Le Figaro , also notes that" the Libyan leader threatened his people a "butcher" and vowed to "die a martyr" rather than relinquish power. "
Humanity stigmatized for its part" hands dirty ". Foreign policy Nicolas Sarkozy is indictment, "according to the Communist daily.
Cross is the 'rout in Libya. " "While the Gaddafi regime has lost control of part of the country and the defections of leaders multiply, repression remains fierce in Tripoli," the paper reports Catholic.

"The Revolt of Libya boosted oil prices," observes Les Echos, which warns that "the price of super could quickly regain its highs of 2008." (Find this article on the web)


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