Monday, February 28, 2011

Number Of Eod Airforce Killed In 09

François Fillon commented on the Cabinet reshuffle on February 27, 2011

Editorial Lucian magalie pons

Prime Minister Francois Fillon has said the resignation of Michele Alliot Marie this morning on RTL.

It would seem that the "decision" was taken jointly perhaps coordinated with the interested:

"Michele Alliot-Marie did not commit fault, but it had to be excluded from the Foreign Ministry because his position weakened the voice of France "... .." The decision we made, it is not a moral decision is a political decision, "he said.

Editor's note: in the private sector must be a mistake had to be dismissed, but in politics it can be "put away" without fault of their own "for political reasons and not moral," .... it's really incredible!

Prime Minister explained that this was a shelving necessitated by the crisis in the French diplomacy caused by the "case" Michele Alliot-Marie.

"The controversy surrounding the Department Foreign Affairs created a situation that was becoming dangerous for the image of France, for the voice of France since it is through Michele Alliot-Marie, French diplomacy was attacked, "said Prime Minister on RTL.
For Prime Minister Michele Alliot-Marie has been a campaign "unfair":

He said: "The voice of Michèle Alliot-Marie" was no longer audible because she was the subject of a campaign unjust "

" There is no doubt that the President and myself we would have preferred not to separate us, "said Francois Fillon.

" She tried to defend themselves, we defended but nothing was done ... .. it was the voice of France heard in the world, "stressed the head of government, referring to the" Arab Spring "marked by popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.

"The decision we have taken with the President of the Republic, is a strategic act against the acceleration of history that will have consequences that we are not able today to imagine the world economy, our country on the world order agenda, "he said.

course, other government figures have spoken on Monday by monopolizing almost all radio and screens to justify and the cabinet reshuffle and the resignation of Mrs. Alliot-Marie, with formulas acclaim for their former colleague.

Two examples only:

- Baroin France Info: The spokesperson of the government, whose voice crafty "soothing" always stands for ; erase the blunders of government members, or members of the Presidential Majority: expressed his feelings:

"Michele Alliot-Marie has served the government for many years," Has he said on France Info. "It Do not erase 20 years serving our country.

"It is cruel but nobody owns his ministerial post," he added philosophically ...

- Christine Lagarde on Europe 1 radio the Minister of economy has described the appointment of Alain Juppe as Foreign Minister, replacing Michele Alliot-Marie of "extraordinarily professional decision based on experience.", adding among other arguments, " , "I very fond of Michèle Alliot-Marie "... ..." It should not be fun to be in the situation where it is ... .. The last thing we can do, c is to overwhelm him or to judge. "

There is no need to throw more: do a search on the Internet if the topic deserves your attention!


No doubt they want us to believe that Mrs Alliot-Marie blameless and virtuous was not at fault, it has been an unjust campaign and she behaved like a hero by resigning to save the French diplomacy and the Government.

The conclusion we can draw is Mrs Alliot-Marie in the exercise of his recent ex-office of Minister of Foreign Affairs has acted in full harmony with the President of the Republic, Prime Minister and his colleagues. Ministers, who tried to defend it at the time but who tried to defend but, from when Ben Ali fled, abandoning the Power, have together turned like a weathervane to endorse the revolt and eventually Tunisian Michele Alliot-Marie had to wear ; only on its back the collective responsibility of a Government which initially events and during "some time" was counting on Ben Ali.

Now that she has resigned, and it is unanimously reinstated by the Head of Government and members of the Government, he just have to wait in a while it is officially named in a prominent position in a state institution. or as representative of France in an international forum.

It would not be a precedent, since Rama Yade and Fadela Amara, dropped the previous government for other reasons, were appointed shortly thereafter to important positions by Nicolas Sarkozy ..


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