Monday, February 28, 2011

Old Fitness Equipment

reshuffle "a minima" The revolt

Editorial Lucian magalie pons

A neutral tone, solemn, an economy of gesture, style punished .... we have been changed!

The cabinet reshuffle and presented last Sunday by President Nicolas Sarkozy and applauded by the right as a major political event, is in fact so we want to be objective an event that was urgently needed to restore a hearing to foreign policy has long road to perdition, even before the recent blunders communications or behavior Michèle Alliot-Marie, just as a remodeling designed to restore the weight to an executive harmed in the polls and very challenged in public opinion.

Do not return to the woes of Mr Kouchner when he was in office as Minister of Foreign Affairs, often prevented to act for himself, voiced by the positions taken by Nicolas Sarkozy, and finally disgusted and bitter was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be replaced by Michèle Alliot-Marie, which could be expected it would be necessary.

But given the sequence of events, it is doubtful that it could act in all circumstances with a certain functional autonomy, and to focus on its own shoulders, whatever its faults, the responsibility for mistakes in foreign policy of France would be unfair.

Besides stressing the procrastination of the French executive and his late response to the Arab revolutions, including that of Tunisia, the opposition points out that foreign policy and diplomacy gave way to the executive policy, and that decisions on international affairs emanated mainly from the Elysee on which it rejects responsible for the weakening and failure of French diplomacy ..

opinion of the opposition seems to be confirmed, since the media reported that Mr Alain Juppe has set his conditions before accepting the portfolio of Minister of Foreign Affairs. We understand that Mr. Alain Juppe wants to act as Foreign Minister in full in the fullness of his office, issued interferences of Councilors of the Elysee.

The redesign has been presented by the Head of State yesterday on the screens in about eight minutes, his speech was focused very well mounted, to explain this fourth revision, according to his usual policy line Nicolas Sarkozy has obscured the real causes, and he had the political skill not to call Ms. Alliot-Marie, thus avoiding discredit his speech of justification, discourse ; mainly focused on events intarnotionaux on popular revolts in the countries of Tunisia and Egypt in particular, he hailed as "great hope", while insisting. on "what might be the consequences of such tragedies on uncontrollable migration and terrorism. "

What seems rather contradictory when later in his speech, he introduced himself president "protector", emphasizing the consequences of any failure of revolts Arabic, which "could be very heavy for stability throughout the region." "That's the whole" Europe that would be at the forefront, "he said.

Nicolas Sarkozy has also justified the government reshuffle, the need to appoint men "prepared to face the upcoming events which no one can predict the course".

President Alain Juppe sees "one who has already exercised these functions (Minister of Foreign Affairs 1993-1995) with Success universally recognized "and Gerard Longuet," a man of experience. "For Claude Gueant, Nicolas Sarkozy said he" knows all the ins and outs "of the Ministry of Interior.

" Fear, confrontation, exclusion never allowed to prepare the future at international and national level. Conversely, the refusal to see reality in the face exacerbates tensions, "he also said the president, who also called for the rally with a solemn tone.

In the aftermath, the media right note deletion of the government team Brice Hortefeux, stressing that there is no doubt that Hortefeux remain a very close associate of President of the Republic and will be named in functions "eminent" or as an advisor at the Elysee Palace, or in an important political function for the presidential campaign of 2012 which will be one of the architects of the most effective, according to media reports from right

The opposition politicians and the leftist media consider them that the departure of the Government of Hortefeux is a "denial" that punishes inefficiency.

(Assume that Mr. Guéant would be replaced by Acting secretary general of the Elysee by his deputy, Xavier Musca, principal adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy on financial and economic issues, this assumption remains to confirmed)

Mrs Alliot Marie had taken a lead in order not to suffer the inconvenience of a court, while she still insisted on Friday his role and work of Minister of Foreign Affairs, on Sunday afternoon she handed her resignation letter to Nicolas Sarkozy and then traveled to Matignon to meet Prime Minister Francois Fillon.

In her letter, she cites a campaign of "political and media attacks" conveying "truths and cons amalgam" about him ... .. "Although he felt he had committed no breach, so I ask you to please accept my resignation," she writes.

Mrs Alliot-Marie also explained his departure by refusing to accept "that some use this cabal to try to convince a weakening of the international policy of France"

The resignation of Michele Alliot Mary is not a surprise. Despite the support and encouragement that Nicolas Sarkozy had reiterated on January 16 in the Cabinet, she remained hotly contested for several weeks and criticized by the opposition and even by right-wing policies, his position was becoming increasingly "unsustainable" and his departure was expected

But appearances can be saved vis-à-vis France and Abroad, she resigned and did not "t" returned ... and its withdrawal in the present state of doubt that "some" posed to victory again Arab revolts uncertain, may also be regarded as a indentation on remand.

was seen in the past how many ministers as a result of heavy or awkward business inadvertently encroaching on their functions, have been constrained to resign and suffer a long journey through the desert, but we could also see that a few years later they were rescued, bleached whiter than white, to be appointed in the Government., for example Alain Juppe named in the Fillon government 3, and Gerard Longuet newly appointed Government Fillon 4 ... .. Etc ...

Mr Patrick Ollier , Minister of Relations with Parliament, fellow Michele Alliot-Marie also criticized for his vacation in Tunisia and more recently accused by the media have been the friend of Gaddafi, has been spared ... he retains his post . According to some indiscretions that he would have said if Michele Alliot-Marie was leaving the Government he would resign in solidarity ... expect the following

to remain objective, that change dramatically before us as a major event, summed up in one simple change seat at minimum, two ministers disappear from the executive team, but with great caution so as not to offend them, two new Ministers Gerard Longuet and Claude Gueant are appointed, both in the same line policy of the Head of State, the Government's policy line remains the same, there is a small change of atmosphere, Alain Juppe no doubt wants to impose its own right in the fullness of his new role as Foreign Minister, but will he really means facing an international situation that is evolving at light speed day by day, and according to the interests involved objects against each other EU countries often affecting the unit of European diplomacy? ...

It is true that this adjustment has been very clever "dressed" in a staging of communication, focusing on international events, but the suit does not monk, the new look Government Fillon 4, does not conceal that this is only an internal storm control in the glass of water from the executive, not enough to satisfy ; opinion the majority of French who have other immediate concerns to overcome in their daily lives, reduced purchasing power, unemployment, welfare dented, insecurity etc ...

Benoît Hamon spokesman said that the PS MAM signed from "the fiasco" of the foreign policy of Nicolas Sarkozy and a "humiliating defeat for France."


reactions to redesign and speeches by Nicolas Sarkozy ...

Feb 28. 2011 ... Key reactions following the cabinet reshuffle ... devoted to foreign policy and formalizing the reshuffle. ... He remained deaf to all criticism and merely ... / ... / les_ reaction s_au_ reshuffle _et_au_discours_de_ nicolas_.html


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