Renouncing publish on my blog articles I have written, because of their length akin to a series of twenty pages, I decided to transcribe below a European press review from February 18 to 24 source EURO / TOPICS:
Review European press of 24/02/2011
Intervene in Libya for peace

Review European press of 24/02/2011
Intervene in Libya for peace
troops loyal to the regime Libyan continue to attack violent retribution against the demonstrators. The Security Council of the UN, the U.S. and the EU called The head of state Muammar Gaddafi to renounce violence and provide for penalties. For the press, they should immediately adopt and consider the option of military intervention.
Süddeutsche Zeitung - Germany
must intervene immediately
Europe must act immediately in Libya, calls for the center-left daily Süddeutsche Zeitung, asking two measures: "Even if sanctions are impressive little Gaddafi, but they have a symbolic force. They must be adopted immediately. Then you have that Europe presents a convincing threat. The better it would form a coalition with the Arab League, Egypt and the African Union. A coalition with a UN mandate that would intervene militarily in Libya to restore peace. This would likely be the only threat that can still induce the latest supporters of Gaddafi to turn away from the dictator. ... But there's one thing Europe does not do is wait. A Libya which disintegrates and falls into a civil war and tribal could ignite the entire region. Since the Balkan wars, the Europeans know the value of early intervention. They had missed a good time then. They should not repeat this mistake in North Africa. "(23/02/2011)
" information (external link, German)
To learn more about themes of the press review "International Relations , " Defence / Crises / War , "Human rights , » Europe , »Libya All available from Martin Winter
To learn more about themes of the press review "International Relations , " Defence / Crises / War , "Human rights , » Europe , »Libya All available from Martin Winter
NRC Handelsblad - Netherlands
The need for immediate sanctions
To stop the crimes against humanity, the West must now take sanctions against Libya, writes the liberal daily NRC Handelsblad: "We can not directly intervene militarily without a UN mandate. But if the Council Security does not take this decision until tomorrow, it may be too late. Meanwhile, we can nevertheless take legitimate action and - hopefully - successful. The proposal by French President Sarkozy to isolate Qaddafi through financial sanctions is a start. ... It is fundamental to freeze the accounts and banking people and companies in the scheme. The mercenaries are not idealists, they fight just as they are paid. ... And if the planes and helicopters continued to fire on citizens may be considered to require a no-fly zone over Libya. A naval blockade is also an option. These are measures outside of the principle of sovereignty, but they are timely, chaos threatens to worsen in Libya. "(02/24/2011)
" full article (external link, Dutch)
To learn more about themes of the press review "Defence / Crises / War , " Disorders / incidents , »Libya
To learn more about themes of the press review "Defence / Crises / War , " Disorders / incidents , »Libya
Avvenire - Italy
For a European foreign policy
If Europe and the United States condemns the violence in Libya, they are still reluctant to impose sanctions. The international community can not yet sit back, warns the Catholic daily Avvenire: "In Libya, there is the risk that the people be left to itself and thus becomes an easy victim of jihadi tapes. We are facing a potential new Somalia. Or even worse, an Afghanistan Mediterranean. ... A nightmare with a massive flow of refugees into perspective. ... To stop the madness of this bloody tyrant, the West - and not only - must be ready for anything, even a humanitarian intervention of UN peacekeepers. But Europe must especially react. The Libyan crisis is an opportunity to finally give meaning to the mirage that is the European foreign policy and give a decent job of that name to her representative, the unspeakable Baroness Ashton. "(02/24/2011)
" information (external link, Italian)
To learn more about the subject press review " Defence / Crises / War , "European Political , " Disorders / incidents , »Europe , » Libya All available from Luigi Geninazzi
To learn more about the subject press review " Defence / Crises / War , "European Political , " Disorders / incidents , »Europe , » Libya All available from Luigi Geninazzi
Die Presse - Austria
Europe is responsible for refugee flows
Given the disintegration of public order in Libya, Europe fears of new waves of refugees from Africa. The Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini mentioned seeing 200,000 to 300,000 additional immigrants. Europe has its share of responsibility in this scenario, the daily Liberal Conservative Die Presse: "Many Europeans, Italians and Maltese in mind, were not ashamed to conclude a sale contract with Gaddafi. The Libyan dictator had openly asked billions of euros to the EU to continue to contain the flow of African economic migrants Maghreb, and keep them away from the EU. One wonders how the policies have been naive or conceited to the point of hope seriously lasting benefits of this terrible blackmail. ... The evil is elsewhere: almost no country draws a clear line between refugees and immigrants. Almost any policy will recognize that nothing has been done for decades controlled immigration. "(24/02/2011)
" full article (external link, German)
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , " Immigration , »Europe All available from Claudia Dannhauser
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , " Immigration , »Europe All available from Claudia Dannhauser
European press review 23/02/2011
L Europe does not take a position on Libya
In a televised speech, the head of state Muammar Gaddafi has ruled out any concessions to his opponents . The army has joined in part to the protesters, like the interior minister after his resignation. Europe did its part no clear position, deplores the press, because it has among others worked too long with the dictator. The West partly responsible for the bloodshed
The international community has its share of responsibility for the bloody clashes in Libya, the daily Dnevnik. Because the world has tolerated a tyrant for decades, knowing what he was able: "The dictator that Ronald Reagan had called mad dog began to bite. But the West is responsible for what happens in Libya . The decision to leave Muammar Gaddafi's isolation has proved a bad asset to the poker game for its oil reserves, control of refugee flows to Europe and the fight against Islamism. ... Seeing him on television Tuesday night Jamahiriya pointing, swearing, the international media to describe dogs and finally promised to die a martyr, we now know why. ... The tragedy is not what Qaddafi said today, but the fact that he has always said. The world has yet clogged ears. The dictator just hang up the handset to take up arms. "(02/22/2011)
" full article (external link, Bulgarian)
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , " Disorders / incidents , »Libya
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , " Disorders / incidents , »Libya
Europe backs always winners
The head of state Muammar Gaddafi has maintained very close ties of friendship in recent years with EU countries, says the newspaper Público, incensed: "Even if the EU is now trying to distance himself from the murderous dictator It gives the same impression that these doubtful friends. They buy long left by their rich homologue, mais à peine perd-il son argent qu'ils se hâtent de prétendre que ce n'était qu'une amitié récente. … Dans le pays qui était le sien jusque-là, il a été rejeté dans le sang mais sans craintes au moment où la plupart des Européens venaient de l'accepter. La vitesse avec laquelle il a été trahi par l'Europe après qu'il a ordonné de tirer sur la population n'est toutefois pas flatteur pour nous. Cela confirme seulement notre respect de l'argent et notre mépris de la liberté des autres. Nous, les Européens, soutenons toujours les gagnants. Ce n'est pas brillant, et c'est très dommage." (22.02.2011)
» information (external link, Portuguese)
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , " Human rights , "Disorders / incidents , » Europe , "
Libya All available from Miguel Esteves Cardoso
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , " Human rights , "Disorders / incidents , » Europe , "
Libya All available from Miguel Esteves Cardoso
The navel embarrassing
Brussels Europe does not support the protesters thirsty for freedom in Libya but is lost in conjectures worried about possible waves of immigration, criticized the center-left daily El Pais: "As the senior official of Foreign Affairs and the Council of EU ministers were playing their sad role, the Commission gave rise to a new confrontation with the statement by his spokesman on business Home, Michele Cercone. This ensured that the EU was concerned about the revolts in North Africa and the Middle East because of illegal immigration. If it's really the concern hampering the EU now, so navel-gazing Standing in the Brussels bureaucracy has lost its ability to set priorities. Because it places the political earthquake that affects one of the most exploited of the world on the same plan that his own concern. A first concern issued by the European populist forces and then taken by the democratic parties, desperate to secure votes. "(02/23/2011)
" full article (external link, English)
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , " European Political , "Social Movements , » Middle East , »Libya , » North Africa
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , " European Political , "Social Movements , » Middle East , »Libya , » North Africa
Withholding cowardly and senseless
The EU and Sweden support far too little democratic movement in the Middle East, criticized the tabloid Aftonbladet: "There are big differentiation in the vision of foreign policy. The line separation is established between 'realist' and 'idealistic'. To put it simply, the realistic view assumes that changes may have uncontrolled consequences - rising oil prices for example - can generate more conflict and insecurity. It is almost always favors stability. Foreign policy idealistic aims to promote certain values: democracy, religious freedom, human rights. ... The EU and Sweden now have a moral obligation to take the side of democracy. In the long run, this would also promote good relations, trade and trade with the region. To do otherwise would be cowardly and absurd. "(23/02/2011)
" full article (external link, Swedish)
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , "Defense / Crises / War , » Sweden , »Middle East
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , "Defense / Crises / War , » Sweden , »Middle East
European press review 22/02/2011
intensifies pressure on Gaddafi
intensifies pressure on Gaddafi
The Libyan security forces crack down more brutally protesters, some information referring to air attacks, but the movement is spreading. For its part, the world thinks only of his own interests, justifies its arms exports to Libya carried in the past and fears the rising price of oil, commentators deplore.
Blog Indjev Ivo - Bulgaria
Mutism Security Council
The Security Council of the United Nations is to meet in closed session Tuesday to discuss the events in Libya. In his blog, Ivo Indiev evokes what comes out: "Russia remains calm and rubs his hands of rising oil prices. France and Great Britain do not want in any way that revolted subjects of rabid dog Tripoli recall their lack of scruples with which they flirted with him recently. ... China is fingers crossed, hoping that the virus does not win Libyan his own people, relying more on the Confucian tradition of obedience and social harmony than on the analogy of a revolution shaking the party system. As for the police world, the United States, the White House continues to receive calls from Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Baghdad, we no longer know who or what to save this time. " (22/02/2011)
"information (external link, Bulgarian)
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , " Disorders / incidents , "Libya All available from Ivo Indjev
To learn more about the subject press review "International Relations , " Disorders / incidents , "Libya All available from Ivo Indjev
De Morgen - Belgium
Libya kills with weapons Belgian
The massive use of violence of the regime Gaddafi to tackle the protesters was likely caused hundreds of deaths it causes in Belgium and criticism directed against the country's arms exporters to Libya. The daily De Morgen J. weapons manufacturers and hypocritical policies: "Something tells us that it is in the realm of possibility that this type of regime is likely to use the balls that he provides. It is even something that one can know before signing an export contract. Jobs and the eternal argument 'If we do not, others will do it for us' form for decades as the leitmotif and arms manufacturers argue that relevant policies are constantly rehashing. In the drama of Tripoli, where weapons are government committing a massacre, we now verbally rejects any responsibility, stating that the intention was not there. If the Arab revolution can change things here, then it would be more prudent to choose schemes that are supported diplomatically and that it delivers weapons. "(02/22/2011)
" Article Full (external link, Dutch)
To learn more about the subject press review "Defence / Crises / War , " Disorders / incidents , »Belgium , » Libya All available from Yves Desmet
To learn more about the subject press review "Defence / Crises / War , " Disorders / incidents , »Belgium , » Libya All available from Yves Desmet
Süddeutsche Zeitung - Germany
scarcity of oil encourages innovation
disorders in Libya led to soaring prices oil, which has now reached its highest level in two and a half years. The price of Brent North Sea increased to reach almost $ 107 a barrel (159 liters). Instead of regulating the markets, the policy should welcome the fact that the scarcity of oil incentives to innovate, says the center-left daily Süddeutsche Zeitung. In fact, "highly regulated markets or stop suddenly forward transactions selectively, as not cease to apply certain policies for energy and raw materials mainly agricultural, is not a solution as the paris match the trend base. And it is the same for most commodities. The world population increases, the world is already heavily exploited. The demand for many raw materials and therefore believes the offer is not always followed. ... Experience shows that it carries out a shift that is what exists when (too) expensive. That's good news that conceal the bad news. And she is so little news that the overreaction of recurrent grants. ... A sustained increase in oil prices can increase the capacity for innovation. "(22/02/2011)
" information (external link, German)
To learn more about the subject press review » Energy , " disturbances / incidents , "Economics , » Global , »Libya All available from Simone Boehringer
To learn more about the subject press review » Energy , " disturbances / incidents , "Economics , » Global , »Libya All available from Simone Boehringer
Der Standard - Austria
The inability of the EU sanctioned
Europe will not succeed simply not to influence in North Africa or to invest in the short term, Deplores the center-left daily Der Standard: "It's not as if the Foreign Ministers of the Union should take immediate sanctions against the regime in Tripoli. Who would dare to interfere in the current situation in Libya? It is much more to define policy options and opportunities to influence the timing or the fire will be appeased. This is what Americans have come to Cairo so entirely appropriate given the circumstances. The EU has however no coordinated plan or financial or military means - willingly discussed - to influence in any way on what is happening on his doorstep. ... It is not just embarrassing. The price to pay politically for Europe will be considerable. "(02/22/2011)
" full article (external link, German)
Read more on the subject of magazine Press "European Political , » Europe , »Libya All available from Christoph Prantner
Read more on the subject of magazine Press "European Political , » Europe , »Libya All available from Christoph Prantner
European press review 21.02.2011
The Arabs are still fighting
The protests multiply in the Arab world. Bullies and Bahraini Libyan were opening fire on demonstrators, and more than 200 people lost their lives in Libya. Morocco and Jordan have announced their side reforms. The European press calls for sanctions against bullies and wants a peaceful transition in reforming countries.
sanction regimes of Libya and Bahrain
In Libya and Bahrain, the plans have requested that we open fire on demonstrators, causing death in Bahrain four people in Libya and that of more than 200 people. The West must break his silence, says the tabloid De Telegraaf: "The pitiless intervention in Bahrain and Libya is appalling. The attempt bloody Gaddafi - the oldest Arab dictator - to quell the revolt is the most violent crackdown since the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings overthrew the established order. The free West must not stand idly by until the tyrant of Tripoli, condemned as the godfather of international terrorism, passes the sword the Libyans seeking democracy and freedom. It must also be severe with Bahrain. A mere verbal condemnation of violence is not enough and certainly not intimidating Gaddafi, who has been in power for 41 years. It is now necessary to take sanctions against the rulers criminals in Bahrain and Libya. "(02/21/2011)
" information (external link, Dutch)
To learn more about the subject press review " Defense / Crises / War , »Libya
To learn more about the subject press review " Defense / Crises / War , »Libya
The European press review 02/18/2011
Libyans protesting against Gaddafi
At least nine people were killed Thursday when demonstrations against the Libyan head of state Muammar Gaddafi. For the press, protesters took hope after the upheavals of Tunisia and Egypt and condemned the waste of the country's wealth.Youth feel cheated
wastage of raw materials Libyan revenue fueled the protest of youth against the Libyan head of state Muammar Gaddafi, said the liberal weekly Die Zeit: "Young people who experience the end of oil and gas are already leaving the school benches. And they wonder what will happen to them and their future. For the old guard still holds to Tripoli many positions Key power. They are recognizable by their white manes and complicated odes dedicated to the glorious vision of 'Brother Leader'. Unmolested, they continue to chair the failure of their own policy. Because no Arab country outside of Algeria has squandered its natural resources as did Gaddafi in Libya and his followers. Over 90 percent of the workforce is employed by the Libyan state to a pittance. Privatization stalled. Public life is characterized by bureaucratic paralysis, a lazy routine and a bloated security apparatus. No wonder So that Libyan youth is nervous. "(02/18/2011)
" full article (external link, German)
To learn more about the subject press review "Defence / Crises / War , »Politics , "
Libya All available from Martin Gehlen
To learn more about the subject press review "Defence / Crises / War , »Politics , "
Libya All available from Martin Gehlen
Change in North Africa
developments in Tunisia and Egypt have given Hope to protest Libya, said the liberal daily Turun Sanomat, who welcome the support the EU's democratic process, "Colonel Gaddafi has ruled the country with an iron hand and stifled freedom of opinion and any opposition activities. Yet, a considerable number of protesters are now standing, including in the eastern part of the country. ... The power is so important that Gaddafi demonstrators should pay a high price for their commitment. Examples of neighboring countries, however, show that anything is possible, even in the Arab dictatorships. ... The changes that have place in North Africa and the Middle East are particularly taken by Israel. It prefers a dictatorship to a democracy quiet unpredictable. ... The EU supports the democratic process in the region. Any other attitude would serve those who want a radicalization. "(02/18/2011)
" full article (external link, Finnish)
To learn more about the subject press review "Defence / Crises / wars, "Human rights , " Disorders / incidents , »Finland , » Europe , »Libya
To learn more about the subject press review "Defence / Crises / wars, "Human rights , " Disorders / incidents , »Finland , » Europe , »Libya
disorders are the Europe unprepared
A possible fall the head of state Muammar Gaddafi could cause a massive refugee flows that would take the Europe by surprise, says the liberal daily La Stampa: "The migration of 1989 and early 1990's had anticipated a certain way reunification Europe which has gradually achieved at the institutional level. A union of the two sides of the Mediterranean is neither for nor desirable. At the time, the EU institutions of the community and Member States had accomplished their mission with great sense of duty and informed the geopolitical situation. But Europe still seems to be a union tour against her to the Mediterranean ... incapable of having a comprehensive policy to that space that makes the immigration one of its fundamental objectives. Although the challenges of building European security have continued to move towards the Mediterranean and the Middle East over the past 20 years, Europe is still struggling to develop appropriate instruments for their time. "(02/18/2011)
" full article (external link, Italian)
To learn more about the subject press review "Immigration , " Disorders / incidents , " Europe , "
Libya All available from " Vittorio Emanuele Parsi
To learn more about the subject press review "Immigration , " Disorders / incidents , " Europe , "
Libya All available from " Vittorio Emanuele Parsi
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