Sunday, June 22, 2008

How Can I Reduce My Bilirubin Level

The Métis of Canada finally united under the same tent national Saguenay. A historic first! While

Above, Mr. Gabriel Dufault, Métis National Union of St. Joseph of Manitoba
The reminder of our history by the Link Memory Official Community (below, with the pen of the speech) was accompanied by a ritual fumigation and was closed by singing and drumming of Jean Claude (above), a medicine man of our community.

Strong Showing

Métis of Quebec and West attended, June 21, 2008, and many in the land of Saguenay, to mark the annual celebration of Aboriginal Canadians, including the Métis. This was a first in many respects. An initial first because it was marked, officially, the reconciliation between the Métis in Western, Southern, Eastern and Northern Canada and Quebec. A first also in the way of paying homage to the spirits of ancestors buried in the cemetery of the post of Chicoutimi (officially blessed in 1676). And first, last, because for the first time in our history, the Métis met there many were able to participate in the memorial ceremony chaired by the Link Memory of CMDRSM on the grave of Cemetery Chicoutimi, where were deposited the remains of our ancestors "savages", exhumed in 1879 from the old cemetery of the post.

Distinguished guest that must especially acknowledge the presence, Mr. Gabriel Dufault, president of the Metis National Union St. Joseph du Manitoba. A cousin and a descendant of the nation of Louis Riel, who made the great journey so far for officially tie the bond of brotherhood that unites all the Métis people of Canada into a single people. It should also be emphasized, an equally popular, clans of the North Shore of Quebec, and other delegations came to the Gaspé, Montreal, Maniwaki, Mauricie, Estrie, Abitibi Lasarre , High Laurentians and Yamachiche.

Address by President-Chief

In his welcoming remarks, the president and chief CMDRSM, Jean-René Tremblay, stressed the particular importance of this great union and he deftly asked provincial and federal governments "to stop legal harassment against us" . He did not say that private "this practice is unworthy of a government that tramples the honor of the Crown. " " We are a people who built this country, "he reiterated, and sooner or later, despite your stubbornness, these governments must recognize us and work with us to develop these lands have been stolen. It is a prerequisite for our cooperation, social peace and harmony among nations Amerindian, Quebec and Métis. "

Always pointing the finger at both levels of governments in the South, president and chief concluded his speech by reiterating " we, the Metis Nation of the Domaine du Roy and the Lordship of Mingan, do not recognize any your laws that have served and still serve to deny our existence and that of our children, to eliminate our culture and we asimiler to your way of living and thinking. "

So it was a great speech, very fine presence, a great and beautiful day, and a promise for the future that no longer seeks to be powered by the recall in history, our culture and struggle that mark this important transition time before our official recognition that we will restore dignity to a breath ...

Russel Bouchard
Link Memory of CMDRSM


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