Rio Tinto Alcan and its contempt for Métis
Former Innu leader Lac-Saint-Jean Clifford Moar, sit on the board of the new Rio Tinto Alcan Canada Fund. According to the Associated Press said that, the former grand chief thus became one of the seven members of the board of directors chaired by the chief executive of Rio Tinto Alcan, Dick Evans, who presents him as
"the only person in the region to be part of this foundation ".
You, who have seen other, you obviously understood that the multinational has not made this gesture of welcome for Mr. Moar intellectual qualities, but to the power of political interference that represents. The regional population and the Métis community of this area should worry about not being invited to sit on the holy of holies of the multinational. If elected municipal representatives and prefects MRC did not understand they just get fucked again, if they have not understood that the common approach is already in force despite the absence a treaty formally signed, and if they did not understand it, is that they exclude nothing to these big games alcoves where they are just cardboard figures (unless they are in, somewhere, mute and passive accomplices, which would not be a first for us).
If this news that has just fallen in the middle of summer, rightly welcomes the entire community ilnuth Mashteuiatsh which is thereby honored (and monetarily rewarded), if passed in this new passivity summer is good for the pride of Mr Moar and leaders of the band council, Métis Saguenay, for their part, should be concerned. Métis leaders and elected City Saguenay should not lose sight of the 35 kilometers from the bed of the Saguenay River upon which the greatest powers of the electric Alcan in Quebec, they were thrilled at the beginning of the 1920s without compensation and are entitled to claim both compensation and reparation.
I think the Métis Borealie Quebec should take note and makes it flow where they undergo the greatest contempt for the multinational Rio Tinto Alcan. They must keep in their mind that they still own of these territories that the state has sold off Quebec for a mouthful of bread without asking their opinion. In this maneuver clearly, the least that Rio Tinto Alcan would have to do is to invite one of us at this table as a sign of respect and gratitude for everything we've done for them. An initial offering of tobacco was a historic moment for us ...
Land-broken, Métis lands
However, in the fall, I launch a fifth and sixth book on Métis Borealie. The first, titled "In the Métis languages Land-broken, "will be published at the author, and the second, titled" The ten founding texts of the Metis Nation of Lights "will be published by Editions Michel Brûlé Montreal.
In the first case, the Métis of Quebec as a whole will be happy to find proof and evidence-irrefutable-the existence of a historic Métis community still living in the triangle Chicoutimi - Shipshaw - Sainte-Anne . A first set to open the door to the recognition of all other Métis communities in Quebec and eastern Canada. This demonstration, which runs over 162 pages well documented, based on a multitude of historical documents, a cadastral survey, genealogies (75 in all), over 40 photos and testimonials of alumni who make up the time clock to first half of the twentieth century, when we lived in peace, without any accountability to anyone, or Alcan, neither governments nor to Ilnutsh.
For those unfamiliar with this territory, Land-broken at the head of the tide of the Saguenay. They form the very uneven regional portion which are joined in the tumult and the impetuosity of the Grand Remous waters of Lake Saint-Jean Au Sable River, Shipshaw and Vases, the most formidable source of energy heart of Quebec. What is this confluence of the rest were built large dams in the Saguenay Alcan (now Rio Tinto-Alcan). Since time immemorial, this land is mixed, fully mixed race, mostly mestizo, and ever since our ownership of the Metis people have never ceded this land that he has stolen outright.
Russel Bouchard
Link Memory of CMDRSM
Photo attached: Cape Cran Tight, behind which turn the turbines of hydroelectric Shipshaw and Fall Wilson. On this course the Cran tight, McLeod, father and son, had built a sort of mansion where did the first movement of colonization of the Upper Saguenay and north of Lake St. Jean.