The Saharawi Government condemns the speech "provocative" the king of Morocco
Saharawi Government condemns the speech "provocative" the king of Morocco
Bir Lehlu (liberated territories), 21/08/2010 (SPS) The Saharawi Government strongly condemned the speech "provocative "the king of Morocco, Rabat delivered Friday until, believing that begins" crédibilté the "UN and that" affects "the interests of indigenous Sahrawi and Moroccan.
"The Saharawi Government condemns the remarks of the King of Morocco and considered a provocation detrimental to the interests of the Saharawi and Moroccan peoples, as it endangers the security and stability dans la région à risque et sape la crédibilité de l'Organisation des Nations Unies", a indiqué un communiqué du ministère de l'information publié samedi.
Le texte, parvenu à SPS, a en outre rappelé "les obstructions dressées par le Maroc devant les négociations tendant à organiser un référendum libre, équitable et impartial sous les auspices des Nations Unies, par lequel le peuple sahraoui pourra décider librement de son propre destin".
Le Gouvernement sahraoui a également condamné "les violations flagrantes des droits de l'homme et le pillage illégal des ressources naturelles du Sahara occidental, qui se trouve sous la tutelle de l'Organisation United Nations ".
He fi nally called the United Nations, its Secretary General and the Security Council to" assume their responsibility and put pressure on the Moroccan Government to respect international legitimacy and enable the Saharawi people to exercise its legitimate right to self-determination, independence and respect for human rights and end the plundering of natural resources in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. "(SPS) 010/090/100 211925
August 2010 SPS
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