Aminetou Haidar Triumphant arrives in El Aaiun
Lanzarote, 17/12/2009 (SPS) The Saharawi human rights activist, Aminatou Haidar, arrived for some minutes in El Aaiun, the occupied capital of Western Sahara, on board a special plane medicalized, chartered by the English Cooperation Agency, along with a doctor and his sister, who had joined the previous day from El Aaiun, concordant sources.
Aminatou Haidar just triumphed after 33 days of hunger strike she had called after his forced deportation to his country because of his opinions and his activism on behalf of Human Rights widely violated in Western Sahara since its invasion and military occupation by Morocco in 1975.
"It a great victory for human rights. The first thing I'll be kissing my mother and my children ", said Ms. Haidar few minutes before his shift at the hospital in Lanzarote, where she was admitted to emergency in the night from Wednesday to Thursday for acute pain of stomach, to the airport from the same town where she boarded.
the occasion of the victory of Aminatou Haidar evil forces who nailed during this long period reluctantly, the Presidency of the Saharawi Republic has issued the following statement which we publish in its entirety :
On the occasion of his return home from the Saharawi human rights activist, Mrs. Aminatou Haidar, President of the Republic issues the following statement:
After about thirty-three days away from his family on the island English in Lanzarote, the Sahrawi human rights, Aminatou Haidar, returns today to the city of El Aaiun, to join his two children and his family in the occupied capital of Western Sahara. This return is a natural right, and therefore a victory for international legitimacy and human rights.
All the Saharawi people and all supporters of international law and human rights are happy and full of satisfaction after qu'Aminetou Haidar has passed this test, returning to his country and his people, strong, proud and dignified.
This is an opportunity to congratulate Ms. Aminatou Haidar, for courage, tenacity and determination to stick to the law, the legitimate peaceful resistance, and have support for that difficult conditions, despite his health affected by years of imprisonment and forced disappearances.
We also wish to express our thanks and tribute to all those who supported Aminatou Haidar in suffering among the Saharawi people, Platform of Solidarity with Aminatou Haidar, outside of Spain, or the movement of solidarity with her in general, peoples and governments, parliaments, political parties, international organizations, individuals, NGOs, World thought, literature, art, politics and media.
Our wish Ms Aminatou Haidar stay happy in his country, within his family and his people, and express our warm congratulations to her two children, and Hayat Mohamed, who found their mother after they were separated unfairly for over a month, and hope that this bitter experience is not repeated for them.
We hope that the authorization to return to Aminatou Haidar, an omen conformity with international legality, which led to the release of the group of seven activists jailed in the prison of Salé, Rabat, Degja Lechgar Eli Salem Tamek, Ibrahim Dahan, Hammadi Nassiri Yahzih Ettarouzi, and Rashid Saleh Lebeihi Sghair and the release of Mohamed El Hafed Iazza and all Saharawi political prisoners.
We also hope it bodes for an immediate and effective campaign of repression, harassment, arrests, des procès fictifs et des jugements injustes des citoyens, militants et étudiants sahraouis au Sahara Occidental occupé, dans le sud du Maroc et dans les universités marocaines.
Nous espérons aussi que le retour à la ville d'Aminetou Haidar ouvrira une nouvelle étape par la mise en place d’un mécanisme onusien, qui prévoit la protection des droits de l'homme au Sahara Occidental, les contrôler et rapporter sur leur état.
La création de ce mécanisme, la libération de tous les prisonniers politiques sahraouis et l’arrêt de la campagne de répression, de harcèlements, d'arrestations et de procès, fourniraient une base solide pour le succès des négociations directes entre les parties au conflit du Sahara occidental, le Front Polisario et le Maroc.
Des négociations honnêtes et sérieuses, sous les auspices de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, et sous la supervision de M. Christopher Ross, l'Envoyé personnel du Secrétaire général, pour parvenir à une solution juste et définitive, garantissant le droit du peuple sahraoui à l'autodétermination à travers un référendum libre, régulier et impartial. (SPS)
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